Field Name | Formatted Data | Decimal Data |
Address: | The Railway Station, Haworth, BD22 8NJ | |
Latitude: | 53° 52' 2.6'' N | (53.86739°) |
Longitude: | 1° 54' 3'' W | (-1.90082°) |
OS Reference: | SE 066 412 | |
what3words: | ///hoot.advice.maker |
Field Name | Formatted Data | Decimal Data |
Address: | The Railway Station, Haworth, BD22 8NJ | |
Latitude: | 53° 52' 2.6'' N | (53.86739°) |
Longitude: | 1° 54' 3'' W | (-1.90082°) |
OS Reference: | SE 066 412 | |
what3words: | ///hoot.advice.maker |