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Process drone

where to park

Strolling Guide

Please see my comment at 27/04/2009 above

alison perry

Hi Is it possible to send me a map of this walk please ?


Hi Martyn, I am coming up to matlock in april and wanted to come and see the waterfalls. Can you email me with any information and maps? Many thanks

Hazel Bradley

Hi, Martyn I know its been a while since you posted the comment saying you have previous pictures of the lumsdale mills as they where, I am currently a textile design student and being from the peak distict i am doing a project on the derbyshire mills from how they where, through the decline of them to now. Ijust wondered if you could send me a few pictures of the mills from there hay days. Thanks

Strolling Guide

I'm afraid I can't give you detailed instructions as I have only visited the area once some time ago and although my memory is good, it's not that good. A detailed step by step leaflet is available from the Cromford Mill shop and also from the Tansley Village site mentioned above.

Jak Thornley

Hi I were just having a look at your map of the lumsdale valley and wonderd if you can give me some word directions for it as i wont to follow it on a walk it would be very good if you can many thanks Jak

Martyn Gillie

Hello. I do guided tours of the Lumsdale Valley and have a lot of old photos of the area when all the mills were working. Some of the photos date back to the 1880s and are very rare. So please contact me for further information. My number is 07751 284384.


This information was very useful. I go to the school right next to the Lumsdale valley, and in GCSE history we do some coursework on it. Although we took 4 trips down the valley, it was hard to take notes, and see what out teacher was talking about. All very useful and factual. Thanks.

Many Thanks.

Anthony Houghton

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