Note: The Latitudes and Longitudes relate to the boundaries of the relevant maps, and not necessarily to any official border.
County/Area | North | East | South | West |
amsterdam | 52.3863° | 4.927° | 52.357° | 4.8727° |
anglesey | 53.4411° | -4.028° | 53.1223° | -4.6885° |
beara | 51.8858° | -9.5143° | 51.5674° | -10.2173° |
belgium | 51.5046° | 6.4072° | 49.4975° | 2.5439° |
berneroberland | 46.7781° | 8.1531° | 46.5009° | 7.8239° |
canterbury | 51.284° | 1.0942° | 51.2738° | 1.0701° |
carmarthen | 52.1414° | -3.6466° | 51.6581° | -4.7228° |
ceredigion | 52.5623° | -3.6585° | 52.0267° | -4.6886° |
cheshire | 53.4814° | -1.9747° | 52.9471° | -3.1117° |
clwyd | 53.3567° | -2.7253° | 52.8621° | -4.0311° |
cork | 52.3943° | -7.8413° | 51.4202° | -10.2427° |
cornwall | 50.9355° | -4.1974° | 49.9427° | -5.7076° |
cornwall_north | 50.9319° | -4.282° | 50.3346° | -5.1621° |
cornwall_riviera | 50.5692° | -4.1581° | 50.139° | -5.0669° |
cornwall_west | 50.3852° | -5.0046° | 49.9485° | -5.7197° |
cumbria | 55.1856° | -2.1649° | 54.0387° | -3.6263° |
czech_republic | 51.0195° | 18.8617° | 48.5507° | 12.0998° |
derbyshire | 53.5372° | -1.1611° | 52.696° | -2.04° |
devon | 51.2585° | -2.8971° | 50.1863° | -4.5103° |
dorset | 51.0799° | -1.6788° | 50.5081° | -2.9477° |
dorset_east | 50.9908° | -1.6794° | 50.681° | -2.1345° |
dorset_north | 51.0815° | -2.0475° | 50.7577° | -2.4487° |
dorset_purbeck | 50.7916° | -1.922° | 50.5754° | -2.3276° |
dorset_west | 50.9991° | -2.2622° | 50.5081° | -2.9477° |
dublin | 53.3638° | -6.2303° | 53.3288° | -6.3049° |
durham | 54.9181° | -1.2454° | 54.4511° | -2.3553° |
dyfed | 52.5623° | -3.6585° | 51.5859° | -5.3346° |
europe | 81.2388° | 48.4981° | 36.603° | -9.5398° |
forestofdean | 52.0238° | -2.2701° | 51.5935° | -2.6861° |
france | 51.0926° | 9.5612° | 42.3334° | -4.7394° |
gb | 59.4083° | 1.7657° | 49.8615° | -7.6866° |
gibraltar | 36.1551° | -5.3384° | 36.1088° | -5.3659° |
gloucestershire | 52.1124° | -1.615° | 51.3974° | -2.7218° |
gozo | 36.0819° | 14.3507° | 36.0041° | 14.1835° |
gwynedd | 53.4301° | -3.4451° | 52.5417° | -4.793° |
hampshire | 51.3839° | -0.7278° | 50.5729° | -1.9549° |
hampshireN | 51.3842° | -0.744° | 50.886° | -1.6932° |
hampshireSE | 51.0206° | -0.9256° | 50.7723° | -1.6284° |
highlands | 58.697° | -3.1164° | 56.4637° | -6.6662° |
ie | 0° | 0° | 0° | 0° |
inverness | 57.5035° | -3.2621° | 56.2769° | -6.7189° |
iow | 50.7682° | -1.0712° | 50.5733° | -1.5905° |
kantonbern | 47.3223° | 8.4493° | 46.3274° | 6.8554° |
kent | 51.4875° | 1.4509° | 50.9107° | 0.0289° |
kerry | 52.595° | -9.1237° | 51.6929° | -10.6209° |
london | 51.6792° | 0.5573° | 51.3022° | -0.8553° |
malta | 36.0819° | 14.5764° | 35.8063° | 14.1835° |
monmouthshire | 51.9839° | -2.6553° | 51.5485° | -3.1538° |
netherlands | 53.6171° | 7.2174° | 50.7568° | 3.3623° |
new_forest | 50.9946° | -1.3089° | 50.7222° | -1.8017° |
new_forest_north | 51.01° | -1.5293° | 50.8448° | -1.9569° |
new_forest_southeast | 50.9436° | -1.3068° | 50.7457° | -1.5898° |
new_forest_southwest | 50.9203° | -1.5093° | 50.7062° | -1.8122° |
norfolk | 52.99° | 1.7483° | 52.3551° | 0.1546° |
northumbria | 55.8108° | -1.4612° | 54.7825° | -2.6896° |
nottinghamshire | 53.5024° | -0.6656° | 52.7894° | -1.3445° |
nym | 54.5709° | -0.4183° | 54.1823° | -1.3222° |
oxfordshire | 52.1678° | -0.8702° | 51.4594° | -1.7197° |
pembrokeshire | 52.1258° | -4.4908° | 51.5859° | -5.3346° |
powys | 52.903° | -2.9507° | 51.7546° | -3.9289° |
scilly | 49.981° | -6.2401° | 49.8834° | -6.393° |
shropshire | 53.0023° | -2.2459° | 52.3057° | -3.2364° |
somerset | 51.5° | -2.242° | 50.8079° | -3.8281° |
southwales | 52.0792° | -2.6503° | 51.382° | -4.3088° |
stmarysios | 49.9367° | -6.275° | 49.9034° | -6.3266° |
surrey | 51.4713° | 0.0594° | 51.0719° | -0.849° |
sussex | 51.1455° | 0.8809° | 50.7232° | -0.9601° |
sussex_east | 51.1455° | 0.8809° | 50.7411° | -0.2709° |
sussex_west | 51.1631° | 0.0466° | 50.7232° | -0.9601° |
tobago | 11.346° | -60.4928° | 11.1346° | -60.8454° |
tresco | 49.9684° | -6.3198° | 49.9392° | -6.3511° |
uganda | 4.2157° | 35.0388° | -1.4828° | 29.5742° |
venice | 45.4492° | 12.3677° | 45.423° | 12.3019° |
venice_lagoon | 45.5047° | 12.4517° | 45.3947° | 12.2772° |
vienna | 48.2177° | 16.3864° | 48.1994° | 16.3553° |
wicklow | 53.2348° | -5.9987° | 52.6838° | -6.7867° |
wiltshire | 51.6906° | -1.4821° | 50.9448° | -2.3701° |
yorkshire | 54.5098° | 0.1934° | 53.3151° | -2.5254° |
yorkshire_north | 54.5162° | -0.1957° | 53.6252° | -2.5292° |